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You felt like a tsunami

Endless terror,

Crashing waves,

And a whole lot of hurt.

A fallen bookshelf

debris scattered the floor

photographs that can't be ripped small enough to get those faces out of your mind

and you never felt that kind of rage.

IT seems like the tide has settled

only to pull you back down again

And the regenerated-you tries her best to assess the damage

Because you will never forget the person you once were.

I spent too much of my time

loving things

because I thought it would make people love me

Love me

and now I am going to love things

because they make me happy

And I love me

Love me

and that's enough

So if you don't like my bright colors

or the way I "talk too smart"

or how I like to wear my socks with my sandals

I'm sorry,

But I'm just going to go ahead and

Love myself first.

Love myself.

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