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I've been sleeping in our sheets for most of the day,

insomnia has been knocking at my door, keeping me restless.

So I catch up on sleep. In the late afternoon, on another sweet Sunday.

Suddenly, it's 7 P.M. and summer is coming.

So the light takes its time outside my window,

and you join me to ask if the birds are the ones singing.

I'm in no mood to lull. But I pull you closer until your beard tangles in my eyelashes,

and I let you hold me there.

You don't know that this soon won't be our bed.

I've been craving the most indulgent moments,

feeling like the endorphins are a guilty pleasure.

I wish this could be permanent.

And maybe it's okay to admit

being young means finding love in the crowds

there's no "the one" when it's the masses that give you butterflies

I was a fool to believe that god was love,

but at least I was happy

losing faith is lonely

and I'll always miss the little girl that thought she believed

See, my boyfriend's a white man

his party is full of the like.

The standards of women

are high and a hike.

From where I am, there's only up.

The real me's a mess, a conundrum, a bluff.

I'm puttin on lipstick & avoiding dark shades

my momma always said that red was a whore's kind of parade.

Hoping my black slacks slender my figure

hiding in layers, looking slimmer and slimmer.

No winged eyes or dark hooded lids

only things bright, inviting, and candid.

my boyfriend he told me, "your shirt's not ladylike."

I wanted to tell him, "this doesn't feel right,

I don't feel like me."

"High heels must avoid, lest we face misery."

He tells me he loves me,

I look nicer than ever.

I practice down sitting in front of the mirror.

I fold in my hands, coaching my self.

Don't be too liberal.

I smile at the lady, last I saw her a kid.

I realized all the things I thought unlearned,

I'll never ever forget.

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